ac6-training, un département d'Ac6 SAS
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Real-Time Operating Systems

As any other computer application, embedded systems must be tailored to the operating system they are running on. Furthermore the, usually quite specific, environment in which these systems will execute often require them to be adapted to their hardware environment.

ac6-training provides trainings to help you create embedded systems using a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) but also to tailor this RTOS to your needs if you have to.

You can see detailed course descriptions of the various trainings by using the above navigation bar. You can also click on course identifiers in the following course briefs hereafter.

Main Courses

This course introduce the IoT ecosystem, describe the most used IoT Edge to Cloud Protocols (MQTT, MQTT-SN and CoAP), explore particularly heinous IoT focused attacks and security provisions at each level of stack (physical devices, communication systems and networks) . This course explains how to configure the LwIP (with MQTT), FreeRTOS and MbedTLS for a microcontroller-based IoT application; it requires previous knowledge of FreeRTOS.

Additional Courses

Master Real-Time Embedded Programming with Zephyr OS: A Comprehensive Hands-On Course for Embedded Systems Engineers
This course describes the Texas Instruments ARM Cortex M4F implementation and TI-RTOS real-time programming