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System Workbench

Creating Embedded Systems with System Workbench for Linux

Industrial applications are more and more often performed using an embedded version of Linux. In addition, the very specific environment in which run these systems sometimes make it necessary to adapt the Linux installation to the hardware environment.

Ac6-training trainings not only teach you how to build applications on embedded Linux, but also how to adapt the operating system to your hardware or environment when the need arises, in an user-friendly environment based on Eclipse.

You can see detailed course descriptions of the various trainings by using the above navigation bar. You can also click on course identifiers in the following course briefs hereafter.

Main Courses

Installing Linux on an embedded system is a common yet often difficult task. Ac6 System Workbench was designedis to make things easier and to be easily extended. This training presents you the architecture of Ac6 System Workbench and how to parameterize it to fit your needs.

Additional Courses

Installing Linux on an embedded system is a common yet often difficult task. Ac6 System Workbench was designedis to make things easier and to be easily extended. This training presents you the architecture and needs of an Embedded Linux platform and explains how to build it using Sysetm Workbench for Linux. The problems due to porting the u-boot bootloader and implementing a Linux BSP are also discussed as well as a porting methodology.